Picture of Poinsettia Interior Landscape Plant

Interior Landscape Plant Poinsettia

Picture of Poinsettia interior landscaping plant. The Poinsettia is used in interior landscaping design, usually as a seasonal flowering plant during the Christmas holiday season. Poinsettia plants can adapt to the lighting available in most offices, restaurants, and other interior commercial settings. The Poinsettia is suitable for home or office. The Poinsettia is almost exclusively used for its flowers in the interior landscape. When it is finished flowering, it is removed and replaced with a new flowering plant.

Picture of Poinsettia interior landscape plant below. These interior landscape plant images are the property of or are licensed for use by this website. All rights reserved, content may not be used without permission.

Poinsettia Interior Plant

Poinsettia Plant Interior Landscape Plant
Poinsettia Plant Interior Landscape Plant

Interior Landscape Plant Poinsettia

Poinsettia plants have been used in the interior landscape for many years. Poinsettia is most often used during the winter holiday season in the interior landscape industry. Poinsettia is used for its seasonal flowers. The color of Poinsettia flowers (bracts) may be white, red, pink, or many other colors. There is even a few types that have bracts that are nearly black in color. Very bright light is best to retain flowers for the longest period of time.

Interior Landscape Plant Pictures Names